Friday, February 21, 2025
A- A A+



Each student, admitted to the Ph D programme shall be required to undertake course work for a period of one semester within a continuous period of two semesters. The course work shall be organized by the University Departments for students registered at the Departments. The Course (III) shall be prepared by the Supervising Teacher in consultation with the Doctoral Committee concerned. The Supervising Teacher shall submit a draft syllabus for course (III) within a week of the meeting of the Doctoral Committee. All courses shall be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for approval through the Research Director who shall monitor the conduct of the coursework for quality assurance both at the University Departments and Research Centres. Candidates with M Phil shall be exempted from courses (I) and (II). The course work in their case shall be limited to the third course (course III) of 4 credits. The pattern of evaluation and grading in the Departments will be the same as the pattern of evaluation/grading followed for M Phil programmes under CSS. However, no student who has not acquired a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 5 shall be qualified to continue research. A Ph D candidate in a University Department who fails to acquire the minimum GPA of 5 can avail of another chance to improve his/her GPA by repeating the end-semester exams for the courses to be held a year later. No further chance for improving the evaluation of the course work shall be given. Such candidates cannot continue Ph D research.